Lil’ Saints Online
Every Sunday morning we break open God’s word for our Children with the Gospel and discussion questions.
A colouring sheet will also be available each Sunday to print for the kids to enjoy. Once completed you can email to Jessica at and we will post them online!
The latest Sunday is below, as well as the previous two Sundays.
Resources For World Day of Grandparents and Elderly
Sunday, July 24th, is the Second World Day of Grandparents and Elderly It is a celebration day to give thanks, appreciation and honor to the elders and grandparent…[read more]
The Ascension of the Lord
Opening Prayer Gospel John 17:20-26 Looking up to heaven Jesus prayed, “Heavenly father, take care of my disciples and everyone who comes to believe in you because…[read more]
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Opening Prayer Gospel Discussion Jesus said that he was going to leave his apostles. Where was he going? Activities …[read more]