Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lent is a journey of faith and conversion as we prepare for the Easter Triduum. It is a time to let go...[read more]
Join us March 17th (and wear your green for St. Patrick!) at St. Alphonsus for Lunch & Learn with Maria from Hospice. This session will be discussing End of Life...[read more]
Don't forget to spring ahead one hour before heading to bed Saturday so you won't be late for church! ...[read more]
What is Lent all about? How can we be involved as a family? Let's learn together! There is a free Lenten Family Workshop happening at ST. ALPHONSUS...[read more]
Making Plans for Pancake Tuesday (March 4th)?? Plan to come to St. Alphonsus for an $8.00 plate of 3 pancakes and 2 sausages/ children under 5, $5 for...[read more]
Join us for “Ron Goes Wrong” on Tuesday, March 11th at 1:00pm at St. Alphonsus Church. Email Sister Connie at or call 519-253-2893 extension 242 for registration....[read more]
Income Tax receipts for 2024 for Assumption, St. Alphonsus and St. Angel have now been mailed out. If you have not receive yours by February 20th, 2025...[read more]
There has been some changes to adoration hours in Rosary Chapel at Assumption Church. The Chapel will be open as follows: Daily Mass: Tuesday to Friday8:00am ...[read more]
Registration for Spring Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion is now open. If you have a child in Grade 2 this year and want them to...[read more]
Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes Knights of Columbus Archbishop Denis O’Connor Council 14969 will be celebrating their 15th anniversary on February 22, 2025 with mass St. Angela Merici...[read more]