The Basilian Lay Associates (BLAs) are an international body of Catholic men and women who seek to respond more fully to their baptismal call to holiness and service by formal association with the Congregation of St. Basil. They are Catholic men and women called to the Basilian charism of community and education in the Church’s mission of evangelization.

Inspired by the Basilian Vision, their bond of unity is secured by their acceptance of the spirit of The Basilian Way of Life and they are committed to:

  • Offer their unique baptismal call and special charism as laity to collaborate with the Basilian Congregation. They give support and draw strength through their prayer, ministry and communal sharing;
  • Serve the needs of the Church, the Congregation and each other by sharing in some dimension of the Basilian charism of education in the Church’s mission of evangelization through their service, witness and prayer;
  • Endeavor with the Basilian Congregation, to explore and to model dynamic and effective ways of collaboration among priests, religious and laity for the development of strong Christian communities.

How often do BLAs gather?

Once a month for regular gathering of prayer, fellowship and faith development with the Basilian Fathers of the Windsor region. Most often, this occurs on the third Thursday of the month at the Assumption Rectory.

Are there any requirements or restrictions to becoming a BLA?

Initially, it is only necessary that a prospective BLA be a committed Catholic to attend gatherings. After attending a few gatherings, an initial interview precedes a “come and see” period to get to know the group better.  Since membership requires public commitment to the Basilian Way of Life, individuals are asked to pray the Divine Office, meet with a spiritual director on a regular basis and attend a retreat once a year. While these requirements may seem formidable at first, they form the basis for a formal, and official, relationship with the Basilian Fathers.

How do I get more information?

First, pray about it. If you continue to feel called, you can contact a Basilian to ask when the next round of interviews will be held.

Learn More

For more information contact the parish office.

Phone: 519-253-2493
