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Our readings today remind us that we have a moral obligation to correct blatant wrongdoing whenever it presents itself in our families, in the workplace, or in society. Our...[read more]
A six-week Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes Bible Study for Women will take place weekly on Thursday’s from 1 to 2 pm, starting September 21st and ending on...[read more]
Last week, our Gospel ended on a very positive tone, as Jesus praised Peter for his confession of faith. This week, the tone very quickly changes. Jesus, immediately after...[read more]
With the scaffolding down on the west side, we are now moving to the middle of the church. As with each phase in the church, there will be some...[read more]
This week contractors removed the scaffolding from the west side of the church (Mary's Altar). The area is being cleaned up and next week the altar and statues will...[read more]
Save the date for the return of the annual picnic on Sunday, September 10th from noon to 2pm. There will be hotdogs, chips, drinks, dessert, plus fun for...[read more]
The process of initiation into the Catholic Church, (referred to as RCIA for adults), or RCIA Adapted for Children, (for children yet to be baptized age seven or older),...[read more]
Who do people say that I am? Who do you say that I am?” These questions form the central theme of today’s Gospel passage. While we can easily see...[read more]
Our annual outdoor mass for the Feast of the Assumption. ...[read more]