Taize prayer is a simple, meditative form of prayer that calls us to dwell deeply on Christ’s presence around and within us. You are invited...[read more]
“Jesus was tempted, too.” I remember the first time that this reality really hit me, while reading the Gospel passage that we hear on the First Sunday of Lent....[read more]
Photos from our Ash Wednesday Service at 12:10pm with Deacon Paul Bezaire. ...[read more]
Today’s Gospel is certainly a difficult one to stomach. We are told to turn the other cheek, give extra when someone asks something of us, to love our enemies,...[read more]
This week contractors began setting up the enclosures for the asbestos remediation in the next phase of work. This is expected to take six weeks, then plaster repairs...[read more]
Today’s readings speak to us about the importance of following God’s commandments. The book of Sirach reminds us that if we choose to follow the commandments, they will save...[read more]
The CCCB Executive Committee today announced an emergency aid campaign for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. This emergency campaign will be run by CCODP-Caritas Canada, Aid to the Church...[read more]
On 8 February 2023, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued the following four pastoral letters on reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Intended as a framework for local engagement with...[read more]
“You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world.” These images of salt and light, which we hear of in today’s Gospel, immediately follow...[read more]
Tonight we came together to pray for Christian unity in the face of the sin of racism with esteemed Windsor area preacher, The Reverend Tracey Thomas from Campbell African...[read more]