As we enter the last month of the Church year, the focus of our readings begins to shift. We will begin to hear Jesus speak more about the end...[read more]
Like so many passages of Sacred Scripture, the story of Zacchaeus that we read in today’s Gospel seems simple and straightforward. When we begin to look deeper, however, we...[read more]
Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:2-12) Join us at the following Memorial Masses in our Family of parishes: St. AlphonsusFriday,...[read more]
Advent is that sacred season of anticipation and expectation in which we come to terms with the deepest yearning of our soul – a yearning fulfilled only in Jesus...[read more]
In our Gospel Readings over the past few weeks, we have been focusing a lot on prayer. This Sunday, that theme continues. This time, however, instead of teaching about...[read more]
The totally awesome Trunk or Treat Family of Parishes Event is next weekend at the Assumption Parish Parking lot (rear area). Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 1 pm to...[read more]
Over the last several days, contractors have been moving the scaffolding forward in the church preparing for the next phase of work. This will open up the back...[read more]
When I was a kid, I remember seeing a commercial on TV for a financial services company where several different people would yell the phrase “It’s my money, and...[read more]
We are asking for - one - hour (or perhaps a little more) of your time. The Confirmation program is looking for faith filled adults to step forward to...[read more]
Imagine for a moment that you’re walking into a store. There is a person following close behind you, so you decide to hold the door open for them. That...[read more]