Throughout the Gospels, the Pharisees continually try to test Jesus, as they do in today’s Gospel. These tests are often set as traps, where the Pharisees only see two possible...[read more]
Pope Francis has concluded his meetings with Indigenous delegates in the Vatican to learn more about the legacy of Canada’s residential school system and to apologize for...[read more]
We are looking for members of our Family of Parishes to join our nursing home ministry. This important ministry will bring communion to those in who live...[read more]
The SHARE LENT collection will be on Sunday April 3rd. There is a special collection envelope for SHARE LENT in the sets of boxed envelopes. If you do not have...[read more]
This weekend, the members of our RCIA program begin a period of purification and enlightenment, as they journey ever closer to God, and prepare to receive the Sacraments of...[read more]
Our C.W.L. members invite our Parish Community to support our new initiative “Help for the Homeless.” The C.W.L. box will be placed at the entrance of the...[read more]
We have come a long way during this pandemic and have all had to make difficult decisions and sacrifices. We have kept in mind our love for our neighbours,...[read more]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In light of the devastating war being launched against Ukraine, it is worthwhile reflecting on the words ofthe Preface of the Eucharistic...[read more]
“This is my son, my Chosen: listen to him!” These words from today’s Gospel are a perfect summation of the way that we are called to live our life...[read more]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The season of Lent calls us to a conversion of heart. It is a time set apart for deepening ourrelationship with God...[read more]