Please fill out the attached form and the Outreach Coordinator will be in touch with you, with either a call or email with details of the programs you checked off.


Mental Health Mondays

A psychoeducational group on Mondays. She will discuss different topics each week, teach different coping strategies and give you new tools for your tool box!

Mondays at 2pm. CLICK HERE. Meeting ID: 916 6054 1399

Conversational English

The Mental Health Team at W5 (Windsor Women Working with Immigrant Women) will be providing an opportunity for you to practice your English-speaking skills, make new friends, and learn more about the community.

Thursdays at 11 am

Join us on the Zoom link: Meeting ID: 958 9213 1936

Exercise for Chronic Pain

Join Paul Laforest to learn how to better identify and understand your pain. Participate in simple exercises that can improve your flexibility, strength, and range of motion. Come in comfortable clothing and bring appropriate footwear and a bottle of water.

Wednesdays at 10:30am

Cards and Games

Downstairs at the McEwan Campus on Thursdays from 9am-12pm.

Fit For All Low Impact Fitness

A class for adults of all ages and fitness levels. Your instructor Donna has multiple certifications including CanFit and Stronger You (senior fitness).

Thursdays from 11am to 12pm.

Forgotten Harvest

Saint Vincent de Paul Society provides fresh vegetables at the McEwan Campus every Friday from 8am to 11am.

They also make home visits to individuals or families in need every Saturday from 9am-12:30. Call 519-258-2740

Walk and Talk

Come join us for an hour of walking and getting to know each other. We will be walking inside the Holy Name of Mary church to help you get active and meet people. Dress comfortably, bring a reusable water bottle, and appropriate footwear. McEwan Campus, Church. Wednesday, 9:30am-10:30am

Community Meals

Join us for a free dinner every Monday. Doors open at 4:30 pm, dinner is served from 5pm to 6pm.


Living With Grief (Bereavement Group)

Discussion on a variety of topics for adults who have experienced the death of a loved one. 2nd & 4th Thursdays from 6pm to 7:30pm in person.
Click here for the Zoom registration form.

Crochet and Knit

Crochet and Knit: Join us on the second and fourth Wednesday morning of the month to enjoy some wholesome crafting with friends. McEwan Campus at 10:30am.


Care Calls

Looking for more support and/or connection in the community?

Reach out to us and be matched with a trained volunteer who will support and advocate for you in your day-to-day life.

Please contact us at 226-260-1768 or email us at for details on how to get involved in this program.

Health Screener

Are you struggling with your health? We have created a form that can be filled out by anyone who would like to discuss concerns related to their health, get information about health care services in our community, and be assisted to connect to the services that you may require.

This is an opportunity to receive professional advocacy and support for your health care concerns. Please fill out the form below: PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM LINKED HERE.