On the weekend of July 9th and 10th, the 2021 Finance Report for our Family of Parishes was presented at all three parishes during Sunday masses. The...[read more]
As we continue to grow as a Family of Parishes, we want to be fully transparent and keep you up to date as much as possible. Our primary...[read more]
Dear Parishioners of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes, On 29 April of this year, Bishop Fabbro issued a directive to all of the Priests of the...[read more]
This weekend’s Gospel is certainly not for the faint of heart! It begins with Jesus “setting his face” to go to Jerusalem, beginning the journey towards his passion, death, and...[read more]
Corpus Christi procession at Assumption Parish. ...[read more]
A strong leader who plans and executes the Parish’s vision of outreach within the community including St. Alphonsus Cares and displaying dedication to Church mission and values. The Coordinator...[read more]
Together on the Road: Conversations in the Diocese of London for a Listening Church: A Synthesis of the Synodal Listening Sessions: Observations, Reflections and Considerations with a cover letter...[read more]
This weekend, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as the Feast of Corpus Christi. This celebration is held to honour...[read more]
Paining has started on the west side of Assumption Church. This work is expected to last until after Labour Day,...[read more]
It’s time to celebrate the Windsor Heritage Family of Parishes! How would you like to do that? We are hoping to bring together a variety of parishioners from our...[read more]