Categories: Family News

We are asking for – one – hour (or perhaps a little more) of your time.  The Confirmation program is looking for faith filled adults to step forward to assist our young people as they make this important decision to become “adults” in their Catholic faith. 

  • Can you take names at a desk? 
  • Can you distribute and collect name tags? 
  • Can you be the face of welcome to these teens, their families and sponsors? 

All lessons are guided so there is nothing more asked for than to share your time and your faith.  In the Gospel of Matthew 26:40 Jesus asks, “So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?”   

Perhaps we can be “awake” and “offer” an hour in service to the youth of our growing Family of Parishes!  Contact Lynne at 519 253 2493 Ext 227 or by email at