Categories: Family News

Advent is that sacred season of anticipation and expectation in which we come to terms with the deepest yearning of our soul – a yearning fulfilled only in Jesus Christ.

The light of Christ pierces the darkness of our world, and each additional Advent candle that is lit increases its brightness. 

To help us prepare and welcome the light of Christ, our “Family of Parishes” is inviting you to spend some quiet time with the Lord by purchasing “The Little Blue Book” for the Advent/Christmas Season.  These 6-minute reflections on the Gospel readings will guide you on your Advent journey. 

The cost is only $3.00 and volunteers will be available before and after each Mass beginning the weekend of November 5/6th to sell the books. 

By purchasing this little blue book, we can thank God for all His blessings six minutes a day.  Thank you!