The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization, rooted in Gospel values, calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

This mission statement is as true today as it was when instituted in the early 1920’s.

The Objects of the League are as follows:

  • To unite Catholic women of Canada and to achieve individual and collective spiritual development.
  • To promote the teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • To exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life.
  • To protect the sanctity of human life.
  • To enhance the role of women in church and society.
  • To recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere.
  • To uphold and defend Christian education and value in the modern world.
  • To contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony.

These objectives have not changed over the years and were upheld when Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Women’s League was formed on April 3rd, 1921. Unfortunately, after nearly 70 years in existence, with a great deal of sadness, the decision was made to disband on May 17th, 1993.

After 25 years, a keen interest was taken to re-activate the League. The invitation to join the league was extended and after several meetings along with recruitment efforts, support from our Pastor, Fr. Maurice Restivo along with the London Diocesan Executive Council our league was re-activated and the ladies were ready and prepared to carry on the work of all those members who went before us.

The official date for re-activation took place on January 1st, 2020, an Executive was selected and we were enthusiastic to undertake our roles and responsibilities as C.W.L. members. Unfortunately, COVID brought everything to a “screeching halt” and shut down our plans, hopes and dreams to support our Parish Community and the many charities in need of our help and witness. Although we have not been able to meet, league members along with many others, may be distracted because of the virus, however, we have been guided by the Spirit to answer God’s call to serve silently and in isolation through prayer, keeping in touch with family, friends, parishioners and as well supporting our Parish and other charities.

With almost all organizations membership dues are required. The annual dues for our League are $30.00 per year from January to December. The annual dues are now due and payable to Our Lady of Assumption Catholic Women’s League and can be paid by cheque or cash and placed in the Sunday Collection basket; or dropped off in the mailbox at the Rectory. New members are always welcome to join.

“We went outside the gates beside a river…as this was a customary place for prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had come to the meeting.” Acts 16:11-15

In Fr. Joseph G. Donders book “Scripture Reflections” he reminds us from the above quote from Acts 16 that “it is a women’s movement that never stopped, and that will never stop. Think of the hundreds of sister congregations and the thousands of women’s groups throughout the world who really form the heart and at the same time are the backbone of the Church.”

Please consider joining Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Women’s League and may Our Lady of Good Counsel guide us to be beacons of Mercy, service and discipleship.


Learn More

For more information contact Marilyn Morison, President.

Phone: 519-253-2751
