Greetings, one and all!
We have great news about our Family of Parishes! Bishop Fabbro has appointed Fr. Christian Amogu as Associate Pastor of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes, along with Fr. Steven Huber. Fr. Christian is from Nigeria, and has been Associate Pastor at Corpus Christi parish for the past year. He studied theology in Rome, and is fluent in Italian. I know we will all be blessed by his presence and his experience.
Our Family of Parishes will be activated officially on Tuesday, September 1. Beginning that day, this is the pastoral team that will be serving you:
Pastor: Fr. Maurice Restivo, CSB
Associate Pastors: Fr. Christian Amogu and Fr. Steven Huber, CSB
Retired, in residence: Fr. Leo Walsh, CSB
Chaplain, St. Benedict Tridentine Rite Community: Fr. Peter Hrytsyk
Deacons: Dcn. Paul Bezaire and Dcn. Gerard Charette
Retired Deacons: Dcn. Cap Au and Dcn. Dominic Vu (They will do occasional ministry.)
Pastoral Associate: Jean Beneteau
Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Jessica Jarvis
And we have an amazing support and administrative staff:
Financial Secretary: Zeljka Trepanier
Records/Administration: Sally McQuaid
Communications and bulletin: Rossana Moceri
Reception and reservations: Darlene Bechard
Bookkeeping and secretarial, St. Benedict Community: Charlotte Parent
Assumption grounds, website, coordinator of caretakers: Kevin McQuaid
Holy Name of Mary caretaker: Tim McKinley
St. Alphonsus caretaker: Robert Bouchard
St. Angela Merici caretaker: Sino Moceri
Website and digital presence: Owen Wolter
Assumption parking lot, housekeeping: Meredith McKinley
I am so pleased that everyone who was working for the individual parishes, except Ruth Cushing (part-time bookkeeper at St. Alphonsus) will continue with the Family. We continue to work with our musicians. At present all singing is restricted, so the roles of those providing music have been limited. A big “thank you!” to those who are serving us in this ministry.
Much of the staff will be working from Assumption, although both Rossana and Darlene will continue to spend some of their time at St. Angela and St. Alphonsus, respectively. Frs. Maurice and Christian will have their office at St. Angela. Deacon Gerard will have an office at St. Alphonsus. All three parish sites will have a room where we can meet with people. The Diocese of London has asked us to maintain offices closed to the public for the most part. We can meet with you remotely, or in some cases meet in person, while maintaining distancing.
Our phone systems have been integrated into one system. You can reach any staff member by dialling the number of your parish: Assumption, 519-253-2493; St. Alphonsus, 519-256-1849; St. Angela, 519-254-5542. You may reach people from St. Benedict or St. Daniel Comboni by calling any of the three parishes.
Our Mass schedule, beginning the weekend of September 5-6, will be as follows:
Weekend Masses, Sunday 9 AM, 11 AM, 7:30 PM
Confessions, Saturday 11 AM-12 noon, Sunday 6:30-7:15 PM
Weekday Masses, Monday through Friday, 8 AM
(Live-streaming Sunday 11 AM and weekday mornings)
St. Alphonsus:
Weekend Masses, Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 12 noon, 5:30 PM
Confessions, Saturday 3:45-4:45 PM, Wednesday 11:30-11:55 AM
Weekday Masses, Wednesday through Friday, 12 noon
St. Angela Merici:
Weekend Masses, Italian, Saturday 4:30 PM, Sunday 9:30 AM
Weekend Mass, English, Sunday 11:30 AM
Confessions, Saturday 3:30-4:15 PM, Wednesday 6:30-6:50 PM
Weekday Masses, English, Monday, Tuesday 7:00 PM
Weekday Masses, Italian, Wednesday, Thursday 7:00 PM
Our two communities will maintain their current schedules:
St. Benedict:
Weekend Mass, Sunday 2 PM
(First Sunday at Holy Name of Mary; all others at St. Alphonsus)
Confessions, before or after Mass as needed
Weekday Mass, Tuesday 7 PM (at Holy Name of Mary)
St. Daniel Comboni:
First Sunday of the month, 2 PM (at St. Alphonsus)
Again, thanks to all of you who have contributed during this time. Soon all our parishes will be able to accept e-transfers and other modes of online giving. Your generosity is appreciated.
Remember that Bishop Fabbro has dispensed you from the Sunday obligation at least until Advent. As much as your parish priests and the rest of the staff want to see you again, we want you to stay safe even more. Please note that effective August 19, a City of Windsor ordinance goes into effect, which states that masks covering nose, mouth, and chin are mandatory in all public buildings, including churches.
As we begin this new adventure, I assure you of my prayer. I pray that you continue to care for and protect your own health as well as that of others. May Our Lady of the Assumption, St. Alphonsus, St. Angela Merici, St. Benedict, and St. Daniel Comboni intercede for us and keep us safe.